
Required Libraries

In order to compile and run SANEPIC several librairies are needed :

  • cfitsio : a FITS-file subroutine library (>v3.24)
  • FFTW : a discrete Fourier transform library (>v3.2.2)
  • GSL : the GNU Scientific library (>v1.12)
  • WCSLIB : THE library handling the World Coordinate System (>v4.4.4)
  • libGetData : the GetData library by SANEPIC internaly to access the data (>v0.7.3)

You will need to install these libraries on your system, before installing SANEPIC. Most system have already packaged these libraries, so you may be able to install them using your package manager.

On a recent debian based system you could install them with

sudo apt-get install libcfitsio3-dev libfftw3-dev libgsl0-dev wcslib-dev libgetdata-dev

Two other librairies, less common, are bundle within the SANEPIC source code :

  • iniparser : a stand-alone ini file parsing library (>v3.0)
  • Numerical Recipies : the public domain headers mainly for matrix definition

Moreover, if you wish to be able to use SANEPIC in a parallelized way you will need a Message Parsing Interface library, we tested it with the Chameleon (MPICH2) and the Open MPI Project implementations.

sudo apt-get install libmpich2-dev mpich2
sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin

Installation Instructions

To install, you must first uncompress and unarchive the archive

gunzip sanepic-x.x.tar.gz | tar xvf -

A new directory called sanepic-x.x will be created in the current directory. You should enter this directory and follow the instruction in the INSTALL file. First, you should run the configure script


and then compile and install the code with

make ; make install

The configure script takes several arguments, we list here only the most important

  • --prefix=path

    to define the installation directy, by default in /usr/local

  • --enable-paraframe

    to compile sanepic using frame-based parallelization

  • --enable-parabolo

    to compile sanepic using detector-based parallelization

Note that the two last options are mutually exclusive, and that the --enable-parabolooption will trigger frame-base parallelization in code which can only be parallelized this way. By default, SANEPIC is compiled without parallel computing support.